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The Golem
About the Play:
Version Notes
The Adaptation
The Golem, Israel Today and Innocence Lost
The Cast
MET past productions 2002: The Golem
"A Fabulous Tale!"
Excitingly staged! Its power comes
from the stunning reality the play reflects!"
- New York Times

"A Monster Hit!"
Makes us think and feel! A powerful, thoughtful, gripping,
disturbing production! Robert Prosky is grimly purposeful."
- New York Post

The Outer Critics Circle nominated Joseph McKenna
as Best Featured Actor
for his performance as The Golem in this production.

The Golem

Read about MET's production of THE GOLEM in The New York Times.

"Daring! Stirring! Eloquent!"
Accomplishes something that few comtemporary productions even attempt: it teaches us about the world we live in. New York is lucky to have this fascinating show!"
-Time Out

"Reverbrates With The Latest Headlines!"
The play’s power resides in its evocations!"
- Village Voice

"A Prescient Work!"
A powerful theme! Joseph McKenna is well-cast as the golem!"
-New York Daily News

"Still Resonates Today!"
Addresses religious intolerance, the longing for peace and the necessity of war."

"A Cautionary, Timeless Work!"

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